Fort Logan Ranch Bull Sale

Welcome to the Fort Logan Ranch Bull Sale!
Successful bidders, your invoice will be emailed to you directly after the auction. Payment is to be made out to and mailed directly to the Fort Logan Ranch.
Volume buyers: 1% discount per bull once a second bull is purchased (capped at 15%)
Hello, and welcome to our 2023 Bull Sale! We will be hosting a preview day on April 20th, for people to come browse through the bulls and reconnect after an exceptionally long winter! The online auction will close at 1 p.m. on April 21st. Bulls will be penned up by 11 am, with lunch available at noon. If that day doesn’t work, the bulls are easily viewed anytime, you can contact us and we will work out a time to look through the offering. The Ranch is located west of White Sulphur Springs, MT.
The bulls have been developed at the ranch on a high roughage diet, and a bull grower pellet from Mountain West Ag. We are pleased with the condition of the bulls; our aim is to get them in ideal breeding condition prior to turn out. The bulls are well exercised walking from feed to water, this helps insure they are suited for travel once they are turned out. We only keep about the top 25% as bulls, and band anything that doesn’t fit our program. We make sure they have good temperament, conformation, foot structure, and overall eye appeal.
Our cowherd is very maternally focused, with an added emphasis on fertility and docility. We feel those two traits are crucial to a profitable, and safe, operation. We let mother nature cull out any cattle that can’t make it on the range for most of the year and stick to a single 50-day breeding season. Our cows have been A.I.’d since the late 1970’s to high maternal type bulls. We have sure made some mistakes along the way but do our best to keep progressing forward. We typically use proven sires, and don’t chase extreme EPDs. If we can create a well-balanced, moderate framed female, with good udder quality and feet then the rest will fall into place.
Ft. Logan Ranch is offering a 1% discount per bull, up to 15% max. For example, if you successfully purchase 3 bulls, you will receive a 3% discount.
We would like to thank all our customers for all their support, and for their tremendous service and user-friendly website.
Feel free to contact us with any questions.
Sam and Chennell Berg
(406) 547-3217-House / (406) 547-4366-Cell